SSL Checker and Diagnostics Tool, Certificate SSL Google

Tutorialmixs - sobat, apakah website anda sudah mempunyai certifikat SSL dari Google?? jika belum silahkan sobat cek saja website sobat di alamat SSL Cheker and Diagnostics Tools berikut ini:

SSL Checker and Diagnostics Tool

setelah sobat masuk di halaman SSL cheker Tool, silahkan sobat masukkan saja alamat URL Web/blog sobat tunggu sampai proses pengecekan SSL Certificate untuk Web sobat muncul.. kalau sampai tidak muncul juga setelah di lakukan pengecekan sertificatenya, berarti masih ada yang perlu di benahi di sususan META SEOnya.. sooo.. selamat berjuang ya, semoga sukses dan mempunyai Licensi Certifikat SSL dari Google

dan berikut adalah sususan dari certifikat ssl tutorialmixs:

check ssl website

Results for:

generated at 2016-04-21 09:57:32 -0500 (click 'lookup' for realtime info)

>> click here for dns information about

>> click here to be reminded when ssl expires for

>> click here to visit

Use the SSL Checker Tool to find out details about a site's ssl certificate. Webmasters can use this tool to assist in troubleshooting ssl installation.
Simply enter a url in the text box and click the 'lookup' button to get detailed, realtime information about a site's ssl certificate.

Valid Domain Name IP Resolves To

SSL Certificate

Common Name : * 
Subject Alternative Names : *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *, *,,,,,,,,,,, 
Is Wildcard SSL? : true
Is UCC SSL/SAN SSL? : true
Has Wildcard domain in SAN field? : true
Issuer Name : Google Internet Authority G2 
Serial Number : 4884695446068928538
SHA1 Thumbprint : 7B:51:75:14:07:38:83:7F:87:73:25:1B:58:71:8A:DC:C4:41:91:0D 
Key Length : 
Signature Algorithm : 
Secure Renegotiation: Supported

This certificate does not use a vulnerable Debian key (this is good)

Correct : Certificate date is valid, valid from Mar 23 2016 and it expires Jun 15 2016 (72 days from today)

Correct : Certificate Name matches hostname

Subject : *
Valid from Mar 23 2016 to Jun 15 2016 
Issuer Name : Google Internet Authority G2

Subject : Google Internet Authority G2
Valid from Apr 5 2013 to Dec 31 2016 
Issuer Name : GeoTrust Global CA

Subject : GeoTrust Global CA
Valid from May 21 2002 to Aug 21 2018 
Issuer Name : Equifax

SSL Certificate is correctly installed for
Congratulations! This certificate is correctly installed.

oke ku rasa itu saja sekelumit pengecekan SSL untuk website kita, semoga bermanfaat

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